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December 2012 Community Newsletter

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The Urantia Book Fellowship

11 de enero de 2013 23:21
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The Urantia Book Fellowship

Community Newsletter January 2013

In This Issue
New Website Design
Book Store Sale
YaYA in Santa Cruz
Chilean Book Fair
Thank You from Nigeria
Expo in Indy
Quivering on the Brink

Quick Links...



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Secretary General

Judicial Chair

Membership Chair

Interfaith Chair

Outreach Chair
Andrea Barnes 

International Chair
Buck Weimer

Education Chair
David Kulieke

Publications Chair
Linda Buselli

Finance Chair
John D. Hay

Youth and Young Adult Chair

General Council

Lara Amyx

Agustin Arellano

Andrea Barnes

Lawrence J. Bowman

Dana Bredemeyer

Robert Bruyn

Linda Buselli

Robert Burns

Barry Clark

Emilio Coppola

Lila Dogim

Stephen Dreier

Janet Falbo

Tony Finstad

Cece Forrester

Janet Graham

John Hales

John Hay

Tim Hobbs

Merritt Horn

Paul Klaver

Michelle Klemish

David Kulieke

Charlene Morrow

Dolores L. Nice

Charles Olivea

Teuvo Orjala

Thomas Orjala

Cristina Seaborn

Cayce Snider

Paula Thompson

Angie Thurston

Buck Weimer


Click Here to Link to "Friends of the Urantia Book Fellowship" Facebook Page. 

 Join Us for Daily Discussions.


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Our Newly Re-designed Website Has Launched!


For nearly 20 years The Urantia Book Fellowship has given The Urantia Book a presence on the World Wide Web. Our site is the premier site for Urantian scholarship and study, representing nearly 100 years of Urantia Movement history and 57 years of active study and scholarship.  

We are excited to present this new site offering a more robust interactive platform that features a comprehensive online catalog, member forums, easy access to online resources and a beautiful design aesthetic.


The new site will retain the functionality of the old site but it will take us a few weeks to get everything reordered. Thanks for your patience!

The new site also allows us to better track what resources people are using and what resources are not being used so we can foreground and enhance those services that readers like and use the most.


How to Login: If you are a member of The Urantia Book Fellowship, it's very likely that we have already registered you on the new site. If that is the case, you should be able to login with your username and password, both of which for is your email address. Your email address is your unique identifier on the site and is definitely case sensitive. If we have already registered you, we used what we had on record, therefore if you can't login using your email address please fill out a "contact us" form (found on the site header or footer) to let us know. We'll fix it and get back to you. Once you log in, we recommend that you change your login information to whatever you prefer. Even if you are not a member, we encourage you to go ahead and register. Being registered at the site will create a site account for you and save you time. If you don't want to register, but don't worry, you don't have to be registered or logged in to access most of the resources.


If you do register or login the first thing you will see is your landing page. The landing page gives you access to site resources. To navigate back to the main site from the landing page, just click "home" on the center navigation bar, to go back to your landing page, click "my account" on the header navigation bar.  Note: If you are a study group leader, your landing page should give you the option to update your own study group information.


Membership: Being a member of the Fellowship gives you access to member forums, book discounts and online resources that are not available to everyone. If you are not a member of the Fellowship and would like to learn more, click here: MEMBERSHIP. Membership in the Fellowship is free.


Finding Problems: If you notice broken links, missing materials, or other issues, please fill out the "contact us" form. We really appreciate user feedback. If you find a problem please let us where it is so we can easily find it and fix it. The previous site is still available here:


We have also recently acquired so very soon that will get you to our site too.


Funding Available to Urantia Societies Through Fellowship Grants

Based on a Triennial Delegate Assembly resolution, the General Council of The Urantia Book Fellowship has agreed to grant resources to local Urantia Societies for various outreach and community projects. If you are a member of a Urantia Society and would like to know more you can access the Society Grant Policy, Procedure and Application here: 



The Fellowship's General Council to Meet in LA, Feb. 2013
The General Council of The Urantia Book Fellowship will hold its midyear meeting at the LAX Sheraton on Feb 8-10, 2013. Unless otherwise stated, Council meetings are typically open for spectators if you are interested. There is a meet and greet planned on Saturday night at the hotel for local Urantia Book readers. For more information call the Fellowship office at 303-467-7858.   


Two seats are now open on the Fellowship's General Council
Recent resignations on the Fellowship's General Council have opened up two seats. The Council will be meeting in Los Angeles, the weekend of February 6-10, 2013. If you would like be considered for leadership service in this "amazing organization" please fill out this form: Application for Organizational Service and send it to the Fellowship office via:
Fax - 303-403-4091
Email -
Snail Mail - Fellowship, PO Box 6631, Broomfield, CO 80021
Youth and Young Adult Committee Annual Report 2012

2012 was the first full year that the Youth and Young Adult Committee was funded as a standing committee of The Urantia Book Fellowship. This is our purpose as defined in our constitution:


Section 11.18. The Youth and Young Adult Committee: The Youth and Young Adult Committee serves the Fellowship by recruiting and engaging youth and young adults to actively participate in the growth and health of our community. It is tasked with the development of programs that attract and encourage the involvement of youth and young adults within the Fellowship.


To this end, we feel the YaYA committee had a very successful year!


We began the year with a conference of younger readers in Boulder and ended the year with a conference in Santa Cruz. We enjoyed a summer conference in Chicago that included staying at the Urantia Foundation and socializing with the First Society. Many of these attendees then went on to participate in the Summer Study Session at Techny Towers, which added a noticeable increase of younger participants from previous years.


The Youth and Young Adult committee also helped out in its first international conference with our involvement at the Berlin Gathering of Urantia Book Readers. There's a growing population of younger readers wanting to be more active in the European community and the Fellowship was recognized and appreciated for our assistance.


Aside from our regional gatherings, we stayed connected with increased

communications through our website - Urantia Now: More and more visitors are discovering this creative UB site that is designed for attracting the younger readers and engaging them with interactive formatting.


Our committee produced our first video. It's a five minute introduction to The Urantia Book. We feel this is an important medium to promote the Fellowshipʼs name recognition and branding. Besides its availability on youtube and our website, we will be showing it at our campus outreach book booths. We made advances in our presence at different colleges this year and look to making more progress and inroads in 2013.


We continue to develop our Family Life adjunct committee. We had a panel presentation at SSS12 and weʼre currently gathering materials to be electronically formatted for posting on our website. Our goal is to communicate to the larger community that these valuable resources are available for families and that young parents will have access to on-line study, socialization, and a support network. This adjunct committee will be making significant contributions at IC14.


Two of our committee members, Teuvo Orjala and Angie Thurston, were elected to the General Council this summer and this immediately gives our organization a more youthful representation. Our committee is a training ground for future leaders of the Fellowship. We ask for a weekly commitment of time from our committee members to achieve our goals of spreading the Urantia Book and its teachings.


To end the year we created a YaYA Holiday Card that was sent out to our entire Fellowship email list. The theme was ʻThe Twelve Days of Christmas - Urantia Styleʼ. Each day of Christmas supplies a link to one of our committees accomplishments this year. I've added the Holiday Card below this report for those who wish to have more detailed information on our committeeʼs activities. At the very bottom thereʼs a link to our new video.


In closing, we feel blessed to have this opportunity to help advance this amazing revelation to an age group that is actively searching for truth and pursuing lifeʼs higher meanings. We thank the Fellowship for its generous support of our new committee and for working together as we strive to achieve our collective purpose.


The Youth and Young Adult Committee:

Anthony Finstad - chair

Mae Thompson

Teuvo Orjala

Angie Thurston

Geoff Theiss

Liz Craig

Adjunct members:

Mike MacIsaac - International

Ashlee Pierce - Truthseekers

Janet Graham - Family Life

Miranda Clendening - Family Life



Happy Holidays from The Fellowship's Youth and Young Adult (YaYA) Committee!

Even though Jesus was born in August, we thought we'd get into the Christmas spirit and honor him with a Urantia rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas!

Here are some of the gifts we were blessed to receive this year:

On the first day of Christmas in our community, The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the second day of Christmas in our community, two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the third day of Christmas in our community, three times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the fourth day of Christmas in our community, four new college outreach sites, three times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth
and Young Adult Committee!

On the fifth day of Christmas in our community, five days at the Foundation, four new college outreach sites, three times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the sixth day of Christmas in our community, six regional youth conferences, five days at the Foundation, four new college outreach sites, three times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the seventh day of Christmas in our community, seven days of Truthseekers, six regional youth conferences, five days at the Foundation, four new college outreach sites, three
times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the eighth day of Christmas in our community, eight months of UB Chat, seven days of Truthseekers, six regional youth conferences, five days at the Foundation, four new college outreach sites, three times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the ninth day of Christmas in our community, nine new youth initiatives, eight months of UB Chat, seven days of Truthseekers, six regional youth conferences, five days at the Foundation, four new college outreach sites, three times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the tenth day of Christmas in our community, ten new print designs, nine new youth initiatives, eight months of UB Chat, seven days of Truthseekers, six regional youth conferences, five days at the Foundation, four new college outreach sites, three times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the eleventh day of Christmas in our community, eleven youth at the Summer Study Session, ten new print designs, nine new youth initiatives, eight months of UB Chat, seven days of Truthseekers, six regional youth conferences, five days at the Foundation, four new college outreach sites, three times more visitors to and two new General
Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

On the twelfth day of Christmas in our community, twelve months in the making: our brand new UB video intro! eleven youth at the Summer Study Session, ten new print designs, nine new youth initiatives, eight months of UB Chat, seven days of Truthseekers, six regional youth conferences, five days at the Foundation, four new college outreach sites, three times more visitors to and two new General Councilors from The Youth and Young Adult Committee!

The Summer Study Session 2013 - Reminder

The Urantia Book Fellowship's 2013 Summer Study Session will be back at Techny Towers, North of Chicago, IL, again in 2013.

Look for registration and program details early in 2013.

Please support The Urantia Book Fellowship! You can make a secure onetime contribution online at our website, Click Here or perhaps consider giving a 'gift that keeps on giving' by agreeing to make an affordable monthly donation (auto-debit donation) that is automatically deducted from your bank account (available by clicking the above link). As always, we'll send a deluxe leather Urantia Book to all new monthly auto-debit donors who pledge to make at least a $20.00 monthly donation or a onetime equivalent.

From The Membership Committee
Are you a member of The Urantia Book Fellowship? Maybe you're not sure? If not please contact us and we'll let you know. Contact Membership by clicking here.

If you would like to become a member please click on this link and fill out the easy online membership form. Your credentials will be sent to the Membership Committee for consideration.

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